TBWE.com is TheBestWebsiteEver.com, a free promotion for brands to thank their fans for their votes. We allow the world to decide who “The Best Evers” really are, and display live results for everyone to see, all the while guaranteeing that fans can and will win prizes simply for voting for their favorite brands. Our site notifies the brands you vote for when you “win” (vote for them and beat the voting odds), giving brands the unique ability to thank their true fans (you) for voting for them in any way they choose.
Many website domain names point to TBWE including the following:
and more!
You must be registered to vote. You can register here.
Once you’re signed in, go to a category and click to “vote” under the brand logo of your choice. You get 5 votes per day in each category, with each vote going towards beating the odds.
Click on the brand logos to go to their websites or links of choice.
Click on the blue arrows in the lower right corners to go to the brand pages where brands explain their promotions and voting odds.
Simple. Register with us. And Vote! Each brand has its own odds of winning. You are allowed 5 votes in each category per 24 hours, with every vote you place going towards beating the odds. Beat the voting odds and you’ll be notified right then and there on your screen that you’re a winner with a congratulatory pop-up message. Insert your contact information and TBWE will automatically forward it over to the brand you voted for so they can thank you for your vote. If the brand you voted for is not participating, we will hold your contact information secure on our own end and will forward it over to the brand once they choose to activate their logo. Depending on the promotion, TBWE and/or the brand may also send you an email or phone call you’ll have to respond to so as to confirm your identity and age.
** “WINNING” on TBWE means placing the winning vote, or the vote that beats the odds in any category.
Brands have the option of rewarding you with a prize as well as having you simply qualify to receive one at a later date. Whether a brand thanks you for your vote in an email or rewards you with a prize at your doorstep, it’s all totally up to them. Either way, TBWE notifies brands whenever you vote for them and beat their odds so you can hopefully be thanked and rewarded!
So you can win prizes! And so you can voice your own personal opinions. That’s the beauty of each of us being unique… everyone has their own favorites based on their individual lifestyles. Similar to pulling the handle on a slot machine, there’s always a chance you can win. To Begin Winning…Enter!!
Because “The Greatest” Anything, “…In The World,” “…On The Planet,” “…In The Universe,” “…On Earth,” and “…Of All Time” simply aren’t as good!
Registered users can vote up to five times in each of TBWE’s categories every day. Be sure to keep coming back Every Day to boost your chance of winning!
So we can get in touch with you when you win! We will never share your email address or personal information with our participating brands, advertisers or third-party websites unless it is deemed necessary for your own personal prize redemption. TBWE and our participating brands need to be able to contact you with instructions on how to redeem your prize as well as mail you the prize when you’re the lucky voter!!
Most people these days see the words “No Strings Attached” and are immediately turned off, or at least skeptical. We understand, we’ve been there, and it has happened to us all. But with The Best Website Ever there really are no strings attached, and there’s no catch. Just sign up, vote, and you can win prizes.
Then there’s always the question: “Is this a survey site?” Not exactly. Although casting votes can sometimes seem like a survey, at TBWE we just want to give you a chance to win prizes for sharing your opinion. In fact, we’re more of a “marketing research” site. TBWE asks you to create a personal profile when you register so we can tell our advertisers what “types” of people like their products and their competitor’s products. This demographic information (age, gender, geographical location, etc) is valuable information for advertisers who can use it to deliver more relevant ads to users.
Please rest assured that your email address and personal information will never be given to our advertisers or third-party websites unless it is for your own prize redemption purposes. In that case, you will be notified that one of our participating advertisers who you voted for when you beat the odds needs your information to mail you your prize. Other than for prize-mailing purposes, we ask for your first name and last name during sign-up to maintain the integrity of TBWE’s prize giveaways, so users can only register and vote through one account.
That all depends on what brand you’re voting for! Each brand has its own odds of winning, and brands have the ability to explain what their odds are on their own TBWE pages. To get to brand pages, simply click the blue arrows in the lower right hand corners next to the brand images.
You are allowed 5 votes in each category per 24 hours, with each vote going towards beating the odds. When you beat a brand’s odds, TBWE recognizes this, registers this, and sends out a congratulatory pop-up message where you’ll have to confirm your identity. We will then immediately notify that brand of your contact info so they can thank you in any way they choose.
Brands may decide to thank you with a prize immediately or rather have you qualify to win one with their own drawing at a later date. How they handle their promotion is all up to them. Thus, while not ideal, it is possible to “win” on TBWE by beating a brand’s odds but still not receive an actual prize or even a thank-you from the brand. Either way, TBWE lets brands know when you voted for them and beat their odds so they can hopefully thank and reward you!
When you beat a brand’s voting odds on TBWE, we’ll notify you right then and there on the screen with a congratulatory pop-up message. Here you’ll have to simply provide us with your contact information so we can automatically forward it over to the brand you voted for. TBWE and/or the brand may also decide to send you an email or call your phone # to confirm your identity with prize redemption instructions. After placing the winning vote on TBWE, it is totally up to the brand you voted for with regards to if, how, and when you receive a prize. If you ever have any questions, feel free to contact us at any time.
Of Course! Vote every day and increase your chances of winning! While “winning” on TBWE means placing the vote that beats a brand’s odds, remember, it is up to each brand to determine how they handle their promotion and winning voters. TBWE asks visitors for their first name and last name to maintain the integrity of TBWE as a prize-giveaway site so that a user registers with only one email address and votes through only one account.
Everyone has their own fans. Besides being for FREE, it is truly a privilege to participate with The Best Website Ever (TBWE) and be considered one of “The Best Evers.” Whether your brand appears on the first page or the last page in any of TBWE’s categories, The Best Website Ever was created so users can easily search for you, find you, and vote for you while you create your own odds. Even small and up-and-coming brands that are not yet well-recognized should signup on TBWE for the same reasons as the big corporate brands – to build brand recognition and reward your current fan base while learning more about them demographically. The Best Website Ever gives you free brand visibility, advertising, and insight into how your brand compares to other brands. We are simply a free promotion for you to set your own voting odds and thank your fans for their votes.
Top 5 Reasons To Participate with TBWE.com (TheBestWebsiteEver.com)
1.) It’s FREE!!!
2.) Your logo gets linked to your own website or URL of choice.
3.) You get your own personal page on The Best Website Ever where you can let your fans know what you’re all about, what the voting odds are, and what the promotion is.
4.) You’ll learn the demographics of All your voters in real-time and Microsoft Excel format = valuable marketing information that usually costs $1,000’s!
5.) TBWE automatically emails you whenever users vote for you and beat your voting odds so you can thank them through the supplied contact information if you choose to.
QUESTIONS? Please contact us at advertise@tbwe.com or 1-201-819-2964.
*If you are interested in banner advertising anywhere throughout TBWE (468×60, 728×90 or 250×250), please click here instead.
The Best Website Ever (TBWE) is a one-of-a-kind website to “get your message across”.
There are many options for advertisers to target specific users based on their demographics, likes, and behavior.
Click here to contact a TBWE representative with regards to ad placement or email us atadvertise@tbwe.com. Please note payments can also be made by checks made out to TBWE LLC where there is no service charge. Our mailing address is 8 Madison Heights, Wyckoff, NJ, 07481. Phone # 1-201-819-2964.
If you have already signed up, click here to log in.
If you can’t remember your TBWE password, simply click on the “Forgot Password” link on the SIGN IN page. We’ll send your password to the email address you provided during registration.
If you have not already signed up, click here to register.

Still have questions?
Email us Support@TBWE.com or give us a ring at
1-201-819-2964. We’ll get back to you right away!